Thursday, December 19, 2013

Final Decision -- moving!

Dear god.

Oh dear god.

I just scrolled back through my 2009 posts, and I am so embarrassed, yet somehow also very endeared to my prepubescent self...

This won't do. Goodbye everyone, I'm making a Tumblr.

Obligatory Selfie Post

Just to show how I've ~blossomed~ into a young woman in the past few years, hehe.

Yes, I've grown up and become Victoria. But seriously, one of my best friends actually looks like her! I am friends with a Kpop star (*^*).

This is the real me...


I'm back!

Wow! It's really been a while. I was just browsing through my old accounts on Gmail when I rediscovered this gem. It's a bit dusty (can I get any more embarrassing than my eighth grade self?), and I'm a bit rusty, but I'm glad to be back to blogging!

Just some updates: I'm now a high school senior (time really flies, doesn't it), and in the midst of that well known obstacle we call College Applications. So I don't know why I decided to start blogging again, but. Well. Yeah.

I was considering moving to Tumblr, but then I saw how hard I'd worked on configuring the design template to this blog and I couldn't help myself.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Up to Date

Since it's been such a long time (SORRY AGAIN!) I suppose I'll update on everything that's happened...WITH PICTURES! For once...

So....TODAY IS SHERRY'S BIRTHDAY~! As a suprise, my mom and I made a birthday cake for her. :D Unfortunately for me, I think I got indigestion from eating the cake mix. Raw eggs...TT_TT Hopefully she'll like the present I prepared for her. As I am completely broke, I made her cute little coupons. :) From her cute little notebook. Hehehe... I also decorated the house for her. So we have a Happy Birthday banner, streamers everywhere, and balloons on every touchable surface. My finger has a blister from tying so many. xD

Her cake

The frosting

The birthday girl went swimming with her dad yesterday.

Meanwhile, we have a new resident baby bunny staying for a few weeks. :D
Meet OREO!

 He's trying to get out and play.

Never in my life did I think I would say this...but he's actually cuter than Benji. Not to mention more sweet. O.O Not that I still don't love Benji, of course!

Benji, however, has been turned wild. He escaped from his pen AGAIN, and has been under the deck and just recklessly having fun for a month. A MONTH. Everytime we try to catch him, he just gets smarter and craftier. Now, when we open the door, HE HEADS IN A STRAIGHT BEELINE FOR THE DECK. And he only returns to his cage to poop. How infuriating.

 In the Wild.
 His unused and empty cage.

His fat little butt is mocking me! >:[

Another thing. We had this dish for dinner yesterday. Scrambled Eggs with Tomato.

Do my parents make this just to torture me?! My favorite food is scrambled eggs...I drool at the thought of them. SCRAMBLED EGGS ARE HEAVEN! But I ABHOR tomatoes. They're just bleck. So what idiot decided to make up a dish that combined them?! So here, you have this delicious golden yellow egg, and its looks and smells great. Mmmmmm....and then there's this disgusting red sour pulp all over just completely ruined the eggs. So there's a decision to make now. Do I eat the eggs or not? Oh so good eggs....and yucky retarded red stuff.

In the end, I always end up just picking off all the tiniest bits of tomato I can find with my mom screaming at me from behind, "DON'T BE SO PICKY, GIRL! WHEN I YOUNG, WE EAT ANYTHING WE COULD. BECAUSE WE HAVE WORK HARD FOR IT!" And on and on.... 

Blog Background

Hey guys, it's been a while. So sorry for not posting for such a long time! I just haven't felt up to it....


I miss that cute dots template I used to have TT_TT Where are youuuu?

Monday, May 31, 2010

All About Big Bend

Big Bend is a national park...blahblahblah. I honestly don't remember anything about it...

Anyway! Pictures:

Purdy, huh? (The last one's my favorite)

Ok, I really don't know that much about Big Bend National Park. Honestly, it sounds like...idk, a big butt or something? (>///<)
Which is pretty sad, as it's the subject of our End of the Year Science CAP Project. Only much less fun than the history video.
The real reason I made a post is cuz Justin  (, but don't bother checking it cuz there's nothing there. You failure :P) put some pictures on the title page but forgot to cite where they're from. And since we can't find it, I'm posting them here :).

I really hope my science teacher doesn't read this. I think she hates me enough ever since I got caught with a camera in class. O.O
Sherry just came over. :) Please excuse me while she laughs at my "nerdiness".

Sherry: Hey! Big Bend Park!
me: Woahhh!! You know that place? I thought you were dumb (just kidding, my dear little sister xD)
Sherry: Well, duh! We're going there this summer!
me: O.O HOW DO I NOT KNOW THINGS LIKE THIS?! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO A PLACE THAT I LEARNED ABOUT IN SCHOOL! NOW IF I GO, ALL I'LL THINK ABOUT IS MY SCARYY SCIENCE TEACHERRRRR! (Who is really alright, but nothing like Mrs. Frizzle. Once again, Mrs. Santa Maria, please don't read this (Q///Q))

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hey, it's kinda hot in here!

Guess what? Today I went colorblind. Well, kind of.
The temperature today was absolutely BURNING, and I, being the stupid little girl that I am, decided to wear a jacket and jeans.

So when the PE coaches decided to take us out to the park...
I started seeing things kinda like this:

There was slight color, like I could almost  tell that the trees were green, but it was more like I sensed it. Then I started feeling nauseous and slightly sick. No need to say that I was majorly freaked out. My friend, her face looked white to me. I could only see that her hair looked grayish brown and black waves where her hair made shadows. The grass, it was white. I could only tell where I was going by the black shadows. I almost tripped on the curb because I couldn't see it. It wasn't like normal blindess where everything is black. I saw white everywhere. The pink flowers looked white. There was barely a bit of yellow where the stamen where. The sun was so bright, I had to squint. I felt like throwing up.

Thankfully, when we finally reached the shade of the tree, I was able to sit down and rest my spinning head. Gradually, color began to reenter my eyesight. I could now see the yellow-green leaves and the blue and red flowers again. The grass was green. I sat there the whole period just keeping my eyes open and hoping not to lose the color again.

However, when we had to walk back, it happened again. This time though, I felt slightly better because I was fairly sure that my eyesight would recover inside. But the park was so far. Rosalind and I were the last to enter the gym. My tongue was dry. My throat felt like a desert. My head was spinning. My stomach clenched with cramps. It hurt.

In 5th period, I was made to go to the nurse. If I haven't told you before, our nurse is rather...incompetent. She checked my temperature and told me I was very dehydrated and probably had a heat stroke. Really now, Sherlock. Then she gave me some saltine crackers, (crackers are her solution to everything. They just throw up? Here, have a cracker. But they were good) and I went to lunch. 

Thankfully, I felt better after 6th period, though I highly doubt it was because of the crackers. I think that it was more likely due to the nap I secretly took while Mrs. Penny was going on about portraits and stuff. I hope we weren't supposed to take notes.  

But anyway...that was a rather interesting experience...that I hope won't happen again. But I can understand colorblind people now.